The Countdown
BIG 12 x 2023
BIG 12 x 2023
The Big 12 is at an inflection point.
As we bid farewell to Texas and Oklahoma, and welcome BYU, Houston, Centra Florida, and Cincinnati, one thing about the BIG 12 remains:
No matter who’s coming or going, we’ve always been greater than twelve.
As we bid farewell to Texas and Oklahoma, and welcome BYU, Houston, Centra Florida, and Cincinnati, one thing about the BIG 12 remains:
No matter who’s coming or going, we’ve always been greater than twelve.
AdAge • Sports Business Journal • Sports Illustrated
We also refreshed the league’s visual identity, giving them their first design system that included all schools under one united look/feel.
AdAge • Sports Business Journal • Sports Illustrated
We also refreshed the league’s visual identity, giving them their first design system that included all schools under one united look/feel.